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Antiseptics Cleansers
Alco-X ethanol 76%

Pharmacuitical ethanol 76%  

Available Sizes 1 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Alco-Hexatane 0.5%

Used to clean and disinfect the skin before injections, puncturing, biopsies and minor procedures among others. 

Available Sizes 1 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers

Is used as Hygienic and skin antisepticin both in-patient and out-patient departments for skin antisepsis prior to injections, blood sampling and catheterizations.

Available Sizes 1 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers

Ready to use Poly Alcoholic Skin Antiseptic, it acts rapidly on bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Available Sizes 1 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Alco-Hexatane 2%

Used to disinfect the skin before injections, puncturing minor procedures and biopsies among others. Cosidered as Surgical Disinfectant.

Available Sizes 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Hexatane 2% Surgical Scrub

Pre-operative skin disinfection and hand washing, disinfection of wounds, burns, in addition to the cleaning of instruments and hard surfaces.

Available Sizes 100ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Hexatane 4% Surgical Scrub

An Antiseptic for hands and forearms. Can also be used as a hand disinfectant prior to surgical operation.

Available Sizes 100ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Poly-X D&D

A hygienic and hand antiseptic Solution used in hospitals, clinics and other medical units. Can also be used as a hygienic hand antiseptic in food preparation areas, industry and for home care patients.

Available Sizes 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Poly-X Gel

A hygienic and hand antiseptic Gel used in hospitals, clinics and other medical units. Can also be used as a hygienic hand antiseptic in food preparation areas, industry and for home care patients.  

Available Sizes 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Povi-X 10% Solution

Povidone Iodine Solution USP 10% w/v - Antiseptic and disinfectant solution used before and after surgical operations prior to injections, incisions, punctures and any related procedures.

 Available Sizes 100ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Antiseptics Cleansers
Povi-X  7.5% Scrub

Povidone Iodine Scrub 7.5%  is a microbicidal skin cleaner used for preoperative cleansing of patients and the cleansing of wounds.  

Available Sizes 1 ltr, 5 ltr